White people love SF Chinatown. Everyone from the well heeled gentries to the young hipsters to the tourist to the homeless and mentally challenged.
This black tour guide hates Chinatown though.
Seems like the Chinese have abandoned Chinatown. There are less and less Chinese living in Chinatown nowadays. The are more and more Chinese enclaves all over the city and Bay Area. Space is expensive and cramped in Chinatown. New immigrants find our Chinatown old and distasteful compared to the mega malls throughout Asia nowadays.
But perfect for gentries and hipsters whom can just walk to the financial district to work. Not owning a car in the city saves a lot of money too.
The coming of the Central Subway to Chinatown will drastically change the whole character of the neighborhood too. Jacking up land value, jacking up rents. The future of San Francisco's Chinatown as a community is bleak.